Robotic Surgery

For some kinds of cancer, traditional open surgery may not the right option, in such cases, oncologist surgeons trained in robotic surgery uses robotic technology comprising a tiny surgical tool and a computer console to get rid of cancer.


It is a laparoscopic procedure, where the surgeon places a thin tool attached with light and a tiny camera called a laparoscope to make a small cut in the patient’s skin. A detailed pictures captured by the camera is send back to a video monitor where, the surgeon can see inside without having to make larger incisions. Robotic surgery is also called as robot-assisted surgery, where robot and 3-D imaging techniques lets the surgeons to do even complex procedures with more accuracy than conventional methods.

The primary goals of robotic surgery include:

  • Combatting cancer
  • Speeding the patient’s recovery as fast and smooth as possible

In addition patients’ type and stage of cancer, as well as prognosis helps to establish specific goals for the surgery.

The goals for surgery could be:

  • Treating cancer completely by removing the tumour
  • Decreasing the tumour size to prepare for other cancer treatment
  • Alleviating symptoms or loss of function

Who Needs It?

Robotic surgery is recommended for treating:

  • Colorectal cancer
  • Gynaecological cancer
  • Head and neck cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Thoracic cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Urological cancer

Some of the benefits of robotic surgery include:

  • Smaller incisions
  • Less scarring
  • Reduced pain
  • Minimal blood loss
  • Lesser hospital stays

Some of the risk associated with robotic surgery include:

The surgeon may need to change to open surgery during procedure if he or she finds out something unusual that needs to be treated via an open procedure.

A minimal risk of bleeding, blood clots, infection, and other complication.

Patients would be required to stay in the hospital for a day. The duration of recovery usually depends on several factors like type of cancer, specific surgery.

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